What should I wish for Christmas?


I'm female, 14 years and I'm asked again and again, what I should wish for Christmas. I've already mentioned a few more expensive gifts that my parents could buy, such as a camera, because I like to take pictures or a new laptop, because my age is slowly giving up, but you can't expect such things from Uncle and Aunt to get a gift. So maybe you have some ideas which smaller or cheaper things I could wish for? P.S. I do not make up and do not wear any accessories


So I always wish either money or vouchers then I can still think about what I need or what I want to spend the money / vouchers


How about, as it has already been said, with vouchers or prepaid cards? For example, I like to give iTunes credit because I buy music from time to time. Actually MediaMarkt or Saturn vouchers always work. Then you get accessories for the camera:-)


Cinema Token
Tickets z. B. To Nightwash
10th card for the swimming pool or sauna voucher
nice cloth
Care products (eg bath additive, peeling)
USB stick (you can always use it)
Bag for the camera
shoulder bag