Why less space on the laptop than what is on offer?


I bought a laptop and it shows me a maximum storage capacity of 476 GB although the information on the Internet is 512 GB. I would like to know why there's not as much GB as stated.


Memory is always specified by manufacturers in GB (gigabytes). From the operating system, however, in Gib (Gibibyte) 1Gib = 1024Mib 1GB = 1000Mib. Windows also uses 20-30 gigabytes for the operating system. If you use Linux it is 5-10 and for Mac OS 8-15


Like Erik said. Best example: 2 GB SD card actually only has 1.6 / 1.8 GB. That adds up. Hence the difference.


Hard drive manufacturers assume that 1000B = 1KB, 1000KB = 1MB and 1000MB = 1GB. However, computers do not use the factor 1000, but 1024. 1024x1024x1024 results in 1,073,741,824. Your laptop stated 512GB. According to the hard drive manufacturer, that's 512GB. However, based on your laptop's bill, only 476.


Ah thank you very much. I suspected something like that was part of the system. Nevertheless, I find it outrageous that the gross storage space is specified in the offers. You can add some GB deduction for the system but you never know how much, depending on the laptop.