Saturn repair 10WEEKS?


Our laptop has been with Saturn for 6 weeks because it hangs all the time. Actually, it should only take 3-4 weeks. Well, now they say there's another problem with the laptop and the repair takes another 4 weeks. So total = 10 weeks!

I need the laptop because I make my money out of it. I now have sales problems and Saturn refuses to give us a replacement laptop. What to do?


10 weeks to repair a laptop?

I suspect you can even proceed legally, after all confirm that it should only take 3-4 weeks…


I think it's 3-4 weeks forever! Something like that can be repaired in days! (In minutes if you know why)


Saturn sends the device to the manufacturer
it is a market for end users who can quickly turn the tables and say the device has been used commercially So always stay cool and calmly respond to complacency.
There are special shops for commercial consumers because you have a 24 hour service but also pay a decent amount.


A lawsuit would take longer and longer. In an emergency, everything and every corona is used and no court would want to award you anything.


You have no right to a replacement. You have to take care that you find another way.

If it takes 10 weeks, it will take 10 weeks. Since Saturn can't help.

Why people go there's a mystery to me. They only send what they need to the manufacturer. Why the customers themselves are too lazy and then pay a hefty surcharge at Saturn for repairs with costs is a mystery to me.

So the problem is with the manufacturer's authorized workshop. Reasons can be Corona as well as missing spare parts that may not be delivered due to Corona or even stop production.

That is the way it is at this time of crisis. You have to be patient Anyone who earns money like this is actually so smart to have multiple backups and replacement systems. I would say poorly prepared.


If you get the spare part and if the authorized workshop works at all.

Thanks to Corona it will be that way. We have it with us right now. Production stopped for months and no spare parts deliveries.