Which laptop? So 500 euro? Differences? AMD Ryzen?


Hi, I might want to buy a laptop. He should perhaps cost so 500 euro, maybe at most so 600 euro.

Do you have recommendations?

I once compared 3 here, the data are as far as the same, the brand too, why are there still price differences? The one with the largest hard drive is even the cheapest. I do not quite understand that.

Are they good? Or would you advise another?

He should not overheat.

Is it true that an AMD Ryzen processor is better than an Intel (i3 or Pentium)?
After reading a bit on the internet, I feel like the battle between the AMD processor advocates and the Intel processor advocates is so similar between the Apple and Android people…
Are there clear differences between AMD and Intel? (Unfortunately I do not know all that well, that's why I'm asking here.)

And is it true that a "Radeon Vega 8 mobile" video card is not as hot as others?

I thank you in advance for the answers.


What do you have in mind with the calculator?

To the computers you compared. The 10 euro difference are probably on the SSD. One has a large HDD and a small SSD, the other a larger SSD. That will probably make the difference. There's no Windows with them, you have to buy them (if you need them). That is also the reason why the third is so expensive, since Windows 10 is included as a CD.


Actually, I just want to surf the internet, watch videos and listen to music. So, not necessarily playing games.



Unfortunately, I can't say what is currently on good laptop models in the market. I'm not really in there right now.

As far as heating is concerned, it often depends on the model. That depends on how the cards are installed and how good the cooling is. Especially in tests to mobile GPUs or Vega will be tested whole laptops. There's certainly one or the other model of you.

Otherwise, just look at Google for the model and vllt look for reviews. It is difficult to say in general terms whether this stays cool to your satisfaction or not.

As for the Intel or Intel comparison:

There are now many statements with Wenns and But. To Intel's processors, there are now often competitor products from AMD and vice versa (you seem to prefer the 2500U.) Intel's counterpart would be the i5 8520U). It is often the case that Intel still has the edge in terms of pure CPU performance. There's often a performance gap between 5-15, in exceptional cases up to 20% (Of course only if you compare the right CPUs that are in direct competition with each other).

But then they like to come in, if… In benchmarks, it's important how the CPUs work under power, in single-core applications, multi-core applications, separate games, or special apps. Even though it is true that Intel is often a bit faster (especially when it comes to games), AMD usually scores points with other little extras. In your case, it would be the fact that the Vega graphics unit is better than the 620 of the i5 8520U. (A page on which users compare their CPUs is, for example, this one, here you can have a look: https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/...sm378273.)

The biggest argument for AMD is, especially if you are not in the high-end market and a few hundred euro more or less not scratch, the price. Price is AMD then top, if it, as with you, so ne certain limit is how expensive something may be, so I would advise you immediately to an AMD CPU.

The extra power that I mentioned above is often not worth the price difference and certainly not in your price segment.


Ok, thanks for the detailed answer.


The answer from @ Gedankengr… Was very good and detailed.

Personally, I would go for the AMD in your price segment. This offers greater flexibility in the application, which results from the built-Vega graphics, this is a lot better than the Intel graphics.

Then you should watch that a SSD is installed, which is an enormous speed profit nobody wants to miss when he was traveling with an SSD. The SSD should have at least 250GB. 120GB is enough even if you do not do anything great (ie big games or tons of pictures and videos).


OK thanks.


In a nutshell:

Which processor is better depends on the exact model. Here I would say flat rate that the Ryzen are better than an i3 or Pentium
Laptops generally overheat relatively quickly. So it depends on the whole cooling solution and not on the graphics card

Personally, I would take that with the HDD. Costs little and offers the most.


Thank you.


With pleasure.