Is my colleague with the secret service?


So I have a colleague who is always full of secrets, you can't look into your room and if you ask him what his tattoo means

If he does not want to tell us this, he also reads books by wolves seems to be his topic

I dreamed yesterday that I slept with him and when I went into my room there was a kind of elf wearing a mask and copying files from my laptop. Then he gave me his business card with the ability to take fingerprints and left

These are all indications but do you think I can still trust my colleagues?


No It's safe with the SS


It seems to be pretty suspicious! I guess Stasi!


Relax. I completely understand the tattoo I hate to justify my tattoos. In addition, it is normal that you want privacy and you don't want the other person to enter his room because he probably feels disturbed or bothered by it. With the book topic it is surely only a preference of him!


Maybe his room is just messy and he doesn't want anyone to see it. I could understand. XD