Quarantine colleague - does employer have to inform?


A colleague from the office next door hasn't been to work for the past two weeks. I was told by her office mates that she was sick.

She came back to work last Friday with folders, papers and a laptop under her arm. Looked like home office in my eyes… Then I started thinking about whether she was at home in the home office because of Corona and our boss is sweeping that under the rug.

Today I spoke to my colleague about it and she told me that she had to quarantine for a few days because she had contact with someone infected with corona.

Should our boss have informed us (i.e. The rest of the workforce)? Because with us there are no distance regulations, you often run into each other in the hallway or at the toilets, during the lunch break together in the kitchen at the microwave and all offices with several people?


No, why someone is sick is nobody's business anyway and the risk was higher for them than yours at the time, because you did not have direct contact with the actually infected person. It would have been different if she had been infected and had contact with you during that time. But then it goes through the health department