Blackscreen on Windows 7.What do you do?


I would call from my colleague because he has a problem with his laptop. I also do not know what I can do. In addition, he is also at least 10 years old.


Whenever I raised the laptop, the computer asked me how I want to start Windows. If I wanted to boot normally on Windows, the green loading bar ran 2 times, after that the screen turned light gray and after a few seconds black.

I ran a system recovery in Safe Mode. Then I did the same thing again. Only the I could not start the PC in Safe Mode because it was not possible to set up Windows. The computer gave me the message and started automatically the computer new.

I did not know what to do and took the PC home. Yesterday came another colleague over the more clue has. However, the PC made no problems the desktop wirde set up and everything went (demonstration effect?!) Today I brought the colleague back to the PC. Since he preferred to have Avira instead of Norton I deinstalierte Norton and loaded Avira down after I restarted the PC and the same problem arose.

Now I've got it back to me and have a system restore done again. Still a black screen and Safe Mode is not an option. What do I doll?


Have you ever looked into the event viewer?

Otherwise, check the hard drive for errors. Completely reinstall Windows 7 or switch to Win 10 right away. ^ - ^


I have little idea myself. Event announcement? To check the hard drive in the bios or wo.Ja I would need the CD or? Have here just a Recovery.Er wanted to buy a new one in January with Windows 10 and would rather not extra Dan the program kaufen.Ich have not even a PC from there I have none.


Now I've started it and everything works again blackscreen no longer exists.


Well then you look in the Event Viewer of Windows. It says, what happened. Once the PC is running, you can also check the hard drive.

Right click on the hard drive, properties, tools and there you already see it. You can also open CMD as admin and try sfc / scannow / enter.

In the event viewer you get this way:

And you could still have Win10 for free via the Upgrade Tool. '^ - ^