Which notebook or laptop can you recommend?


I'm looking for a notebook

It should of course be able to get the best out of the price / performance ratio

Basically, it should mainly be used to stream series / films and have a CD / DVD drive, so a long battery life and particularly good screen quality (which is possible for the asking price) would be desirable

Something more robust in terms of material, which does not break so easily

Costs up to 500.00 euro


Your requirements will be met by every used notebook with a Core i processor of any generation.


I would definitely recommend the Acer Aspire 5 to you! I also use it for my home office, the processor is extremely fast and the battery life is very good, I can easily work 6 to 7 hours without a charging cable. If you just stream and not work, it will definitely last longer.

But less suitable for gaming. At least no elaborate games.


For the price you only get used ones. However, you should always add 100 euro to it. No battery lasts forever.


I have a HP inc 1TB SSD, 16GB.

Something like that costs 1200 euro.

Virher an HP with 4 GB and 256 SSD. Always worked great. Stream and everything.

Maybe 70 euro on Ebay.

You will be happy with that.