Power consumption wireless mouse?


I have 10 years always the same power consumption in the year (600). This year suddenly (850). Now I'm looking for power guzzlers. Have hardly changed anything. However, in comparison to the previous year, I now have a mouse with a cable on my laptop (in addition, light in the color change lights up continuously) (Speedlink, Contus). Can it be that this draws more power than my wireless? Then I often have my TV overnight on stand-by… Any other tips on Stromfressersuche?


Well, that makes a wired mouse now 250Kw / h a year should even seem unlikely to you in question. But well it can even calculate yourself… By USB Max. 5V 2A in older ports even less… This corresponds to a maximum power of 10W which in turn correspond to 0.01KW / h within an hour of continuous operation.

250kw / h: 0.01kw / h = 25.000h

25,000h: 24h (day) = 1041 days of continuous operation.

Since a mouse consumes on average between 1-3 W and you probably do not have around the clock on your calculator… Can you even count how ridiculous the consumption is.

Look for outdated equipment… Refrigerators, for example, lose their efficiency because they leak and the refrigerant escapes


Thank you first for your answer. Maybe I expressed myself unhappily. The one mouse alone does not come on 250Kw but I realize. I'm looking for power guzzlers. So new mouse, TV on stand-by… Otherwise, I have found no changes to date… Refrigerator is 4 years old… How do I test if it has lost in efficiency…


This will be some heating / cooling device, so small devices do not make 250KWh. A modern TV may consume 5 watts in standby. So that would be 40-50kWh a year, so could be a share. Can you even measure how much the standby consumed.

Fridge, maybe? Dryer brought? Something in the direction.


Ah okay.

On the back of your refrigerator there's a nameplate. There are the performance-specific data on it, including the power in watts. Now you can buy for example at Amazon a socket with wattmeter to check the performance.


if the wattage is higher than expected, this is due to the loss of coolant described above… This is minimal and after 4 years rather low but it is present. Another indication would be how often the refrigerant pump starts. That would be an indication of a possibly defective or slipped seal which means that the insulation is not so good anymore. With new TV sets, it is also the case that they may have a very good energy efficiency during operation but have relatively high power consumption in standby mode. As I said with the socket from the link you can make relatively easy the culprit.


Outdated freezers / freezers, refrigerators, TVs that are 20 years old?! Outdated power cables from the distributor to the sockets? Old distribution box? A neighbor the electricity steals? Do you still have a tube TV running overnight? Are you playing the night on the "old" computer? A wired or wireless mouse itself, will not draw as much power. Constantly having to buy new batteries is not even environmentally conscious thinking. If the building in which you live belongs to you, have you ever thought of installing solar panels? Then I would the power consumption, almost at A… Pass by, if, more electricity is produced.


But, I'm not up to date anymore. The standby consumption may only be 1 watt since 2013 I've just read, "modern" TV consume even less.


"Four years after the entry into force (ie the end of 2012) of this Regulation:


b) Power consumption in standby mode: The power consumption of the device in a state in which only a reactivation function or only a reactivation function is provided with the indication of its activation may not exceed 0.50 W.

The power consumption of the device in a state in which only information or a status display or a reactivation function is provided in connection with information or a status display must not exceed 1.00 W.


What are the heaters that are powered by electricity? Windows left open and heating started? I recently, unfortunately, happened. The one with the control of whether a neighbor is stealing electricity is a good idea. You would also have to see the Hauptverteilkasten. If someone screwed around there. If there's such a thing, with you in the tenement house, eg in the cellar, gives and is accessible.


I already planned. Electricity meter to buy or to borrow. (No Energy Foundation) I discovered today on Google. Our parish library also gives, but no one was reachable.