What is wrong with my wireless mouse?


I have had the following problem since yesterday: My wireless mouse is no longer working properly. I know this question has been asked many times, but I have to add something funny that I can't explain:

I have a cheap wireless mouse, which I've been using for 2 years. I'm very satisfied with it because it had the advantage that it works perfectly on almost any surface. Now yesterday after I booted my laptop, I noticed that she stopped responding while I was moving her back and forth on the sofa. As such, it is not surprising that she needs a mouse pad, but as I said, I have been using her on the sofa for 2 years and she never had any problems with my movements.

I have now tried everything possible: cleaned them, changed the batteries, changed the surface (the only place where it works is a cutting board, otherwise it just jerky). I also uninstalled your driver and changed the USB port. All without success. It doesn't work properly on my second laptop either (apart from the cutting board). Now I'm faced with the decision to buy a new one, which would certainly make sense, but I would still like to know why it suddenly stops responding on the same surface. Maybe someone else has already done this.

Forgive me the long text, I'm just a little desperate right now because I can't explain it.

I should probably mention that my laptop had some kind of malfunction yesterday, in which it did not want to run one of my games and got humming. After the restart, the mouse no longer worked properly.


Go into safe mode. After switching on, immediately press Ctrl and f8 and go to recovery there. System recovery points are set there.


Thank you, I will test it immediately!


Try it on another computer. That could save a lot of fiddling. If that doesn't work, buy a new one.


What could be, the laser diode on the bottom of the mouse is dirty, maybe you should check the optics.


Has he already…


Oh yes sry. I probably missed it.

Mouse keeps hooking? pe peakunused