Stop Netflix subscription?


I started Netflix Monthly Gratuity a week ago and have already redeemed a voucher for a few months. But now I would have to send in my laptop, because something is wrong inside the laptop. That means he's probably in service for a few weeks or months. He has an extremely long time to load something and sometimes he suddenly stops, buzzing and I have to turn it off at the power button. Even in the lock screen, he suddenly just drives down. He is just 7 months old and also has an anti-virus protection on it.

Now my real question: Can I "pause" my Netflix subscription so that it will not continue until I have the laptop back? Do not look on the phone, nor on the TV Netflix.


Just go under settings the current bank account out, then Netflix stops automatically. Your account will remain, but you can't watch movies, etc. In the meantime


You can cancel and resume your subscription to the website at any time, but it will always run for a full month.


I would not complete such a thing!

In the rehearsal… Cancel immediately. There you can still do that.

For 9 euro take an Aldi Talk thing. Can be canceled at any time.

On a 2-year contract can be no shrewd one more.

Guaranteed more expensive than 9 euro!

The threefold?

How stupid do you have to be?

Buy a new device extro on Ebay rather.

You're still halfway there.


Why please? I need the subscription and also use what I pay. Aldi Talk has nothing to do with Netflix and with a 2-year contract not synonymous…

And where are you talking about stupidity? Laptop or Netflix?