He saw me ugly and no longer reports to me?


I made contact with a boy. We met often… He lives right next to my city. And I live on the outskirts of town so if there were no expressway I could even walk to it. Anyway, many years ago I did live streams on Instagram with friends just for fun. Today I felt like it again and asked a good friend if he would like to go live with me on Instagram. He said yes and we did a livestream. We had 9 spectators but since I was on the laptop on the side I never saw who joined… So yes I just left my cell phone on the table so you only saw black. Then I wanted to grab my wrong one and my cell phone fell on the floor. I wanted to pick it up and they saw me doing it. When I'm at home and especially in the Corona period, I don't look like Germany's next top model. Then a few minutes later after the live I looked at who was watching everything and then I saw that he was watching me… Now he no longer reports to me. I can also say if I'm not styled top I look totally different. Especially my hair. He never saw me like that because we weren't even in a relationship. Does anyone know what I can do now? So I definitely don't want anything from him if he is like that! But I don't know if I should write him something or something… And the worst thing is I still have very strong feelings for him but when he makes such a move he is simply not the right one for me…

Should I write or say something else? What would you do in my position?


Tick off the guy who doesn't deserve you if he just likes your appearance…


I get mad when I read it like that.

Ignore him. This is not a good "friend"


You already have the right attitude about it. If he doesn't respond because of that, contact with him is probably not worth the time.

However, there can be many reasons why someone suddenly stops responding. I would get in touch and ask what's going on. If, of course, there's no answer to this, you have tried your best.

Feelings also go away. Sounds clumsy, but is true.


First of all: if he doesn't like you in your corona, he is definitely the wrong one!

and I would possibly write to him again and ask what is going on and if he does not answer and continues to ignore you then you know where you are.


So I definitely don't want anything from him if he is like that!

That's right. There can also be other reasons why he does not respond. Write to him normally and wait for how he reacts to it.