Acer demands 900 euro for motherboard replacement?

- in Acer

My "gaming" laptop Acer Predator 17 G9 went kapput because he ran a youtube video overnight… It was well aired and then went out sometime that night… Kapput. The motherboard went kapput, have sent to Acer send the letter and want 900 euro for a motherboard exchange… The laptop has cost 1600 euro, the stupid motherboard is not worth so much money? If we do not accept that, the device will send us back unrepaired… But please… A gaming-oriented laptop will not be able to run a video overnight with good ventilation? A baby sleep music video?!


Quite the contrary XD straight These wouldgern "gaming" laptops have mostly with high temps under load to fight like 80-90 degrees sometimes they even clock down because they otherwise completely overheat

And of course your motherboard is so much worth sitting on Soldered CPU GPU incl. VRAM and in a few cases also firmly soldered Ram


Do not you have any more guarantee? If not, then it went really bad.

An exchange of the mainboard is relatively complicated and cumbersome. Since you have sent it directly to the manufacturer, it costs of course synonymous nice ne rod money.

I would send it back to me and ask for a small computerklitsche what they ask for the repair. That should come cheaper than the hefty 900 euro.