League of Legends windowed mode that covers the whole screen?


I recently got a new laptop with a 4k display. Of course, if I set this resolution in a game, the computer can't handle it.

Because I can't set the resolution, games in Windowed mode are always smaller than the screen. I often tab out while playing and it takes a lot longer in fullscreen mode than in windowed mode.

Can you somehow adjust the size of the game (I'm mainly about league of legends) without changing the resolution?


Yes, you can actually change the format of your monitor in league, so how it should be displayed, you have to be in-game for it


The problem is that the window gets smaller when I choose a lower resolution


What do you want to see in League in 4K at all, there's definitely no difference


I don't want that, I want it in normal resolution but in windowed mode, but still covering the whole screen

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