What should I wish for for my 15th birthday?


Since my birthday is soon to come, I should slowly start thinking about what to wish for, the only problem is that I have no idea. So that you can get an idea of who I'm and thus also what I could wish for, a few facs about me follow:

-I don't like to watch movies and series that much.

-I don't like to read unless I can educate myself.

-I really enjoy further training.

-I don't have a real hobby.

-I have a cell phone, a laptop, a tablet, an Alexa.

-I go to high school.

-I like to learn, but I already have all the utensils I need.

-I like to talk on the phone.

I look forward to your answers!


You can start with your driving license in 1.5 years. Wish you had some money to save on the driver's license. You can use part of the money for yourself to buy something that you would like to have at some point.



Or an English book, which is the best way to educate yourself


Since nobody really knows you here and only from a few dates we still do not know you, but based on the things you mentioned, we can give you a few ideas but we're guaranteed not to hit the right nerve. It would make sense for you to wish for something that teaches you more, i.e. Knowledge books or programs / apps


Yes Scholi always goes😅




Wish 10,000 euro


I find that books always go when you like to read. And if you buy them used (e.g. At rebuy), you can ask for a few more books because they are cheaper than buying them new. But what you ultimately wish for, only you can know yourself. Nobody has to tell you to do that.