Will my laptop strike counter global offensive?

- in Asus

I got an ASUS x64j laptop gift. Unfortunately, I know zero with pcs (laptops), I'm actually a konsolero.

would he pack that or not? Can you possibly switch s.den setting if what it would be possible spielbar?


Rechtsklich on windows sign> Device Manager> then as a comment processor and graphics card (chip) call because without knowing what indeinem computer is installed you can't help you.


With me no manager manager is indicated.

What I can say is even if I do not know what it means: CPU 13-300M

nVidia Getforce GT 325M VRAM 1GB


You have an i3 330M (that's a Nehalem chip, the first generation of the i-series), one of the smallest, after all dual core with HT (4 threads) and a GT325M, which is okay for her age, much weaker than that today's IGPs however.
CS: GO runs on a toaster with video output.
The settings do not matter, resolution, details - your CPU will limit your FpS, probably your laptop does not quite 60 FpS. Of course you could push that down even further with high settings, it is crucial that you do not get over 60 with the i3.


Thank you!


By the way, I speak btw of competitive matchmaking, the new Battle Royal mode has a bigger map and more players, that's more demanding.


I would guess the same, but it makes a big difference if you play on full HD 1920x1080p or "normal" laptop resolution of 1366x768p which brings you closer to the 60 fps than with full HD


You realize you know yourself. Is there anything to improve the laptop so something like a game booster or something?


No. There's no such thing, better performance is achieved only through better hardware and on a laptop you can't swap CPU or GPU, which are i.d.R. Soldered.


CS: GO runs on a toaster with video output.

Definitely not. At least not if you want to play it satisfactorily.


Download CSGO and try it out. Does not cost anything, except some time.


This is a running gag…


Well, I can play CS: GO on my Surface Pro 4, with a dual core 5W core M (6Y30, Intel HD 515). All low @ 1440x900 I have about 80 FpS on dust2 in matchmaking.

I do not play with this frame (and this display), as a global I can't afford it but you can gamble with it on an absolute wood system.


I doubt that you get a constant 80 FPS with this system. At the latest when 5 opponents are gerushed around the corner and Smokes lie, slideshow. Apart from the fact that you also want to play other maps ;-)