Inexpensive laptop or notebook for school?

- in Asus

Am currently looking for a reasonably priced laptop or notebook for school, mainly to take notes or take notes. Unfortunately I don't have much money, so I'm looking for around 300 - 400 euro. Should Word, PowerPoint (respectively the free alternatives) etc. Create fluently and if you could watch videos or films smoothly that would of course also be nice. Could also pay in installments if necessary, but I would rather not prefer. No need to run blatant games on it. Maybe a round Minecraft or something.

Had looked before but I don't know about laptops.

Had thought in the direction of 4 - 8GB RAM, 128GB (more) SSD & Full HD. Display like a little bigger.

The notebooks / laptops that I had found so far were e.g.
Lenovo IdeaPad S340-14API (269 euro, 4GB, 128GB, Athlon 300U)
Lenovo V130-15IGM (259 euro, 4GB, 128GB, Pentium N5000)
Asus Laptop 15 "(329 euro, 8GB, 256GB, A4-9125)

Links to the individual devices are here:
As far as I know, I can only post a link here.

But as I said, I have no real idea of laptops. If someone has a good & inexpensive suggestion then always come with it. I would rather not buy used.

I thank you in advance for every answer!


Another suggestion: used thinkpad with i5, 8GB RAM and SSD… There are from 200 euro, the newer the more natural


Of course it would be a possibility, but unfortunately I have already had bad experiences with used things, which is why I would not prefer that.


All are pretty garbage!

As alternative:

300 euro


Is quite valid, but I do not mean "sold privately used", but "refurbished"

Sure, if you don't want that


Maybe a round Minecraft or something

Can you forget your suggestions


Ok, I didn't think of that at all. Where is the best place to buy something refurbished? Are there any extra pages for?


Thank you for that suggestion. Sounds good. I'm going to read everything through


I ordered my x240 on ebay


As a bare minimum, you should take at least one Ryzen 3.

You can forget about INTEL CPUs / iGPUs for your project.

The Athlon is not bad now, but not enough for you.


What would be with this, for example:
Acer Aspire 3, Ryzen 3 3200U, 8GB Ram, 256GB SSD

The Lenovo V155-15 is on Geizhals FHD but with cyberport only 1,366 x 768 pixels


You can take it, but at 350 euro I would take the Ryzen 5 3500u, which is even stronger.

Although it only has 4GB RAM, you can retrofit 4 GB RAM inexpensively if required (approx. 18 euro)


Or with 8GB RAM… 360 euro


Look here: A very good price-performance ratio. Windows 10 is included. It has your desired functions.

I can recommend Libreoffice as an office package, this is free software: Libreoffice can also process Microsoft Office documents.