Format the only hard disk completely?

- in Asus

I have a problem with a new laptop.

The laptop has only a single hard drive. In addition to the Windows partition, I freed up about 100GB for Ubuntu on the hard disk and created a separate partition. The installation of Ubuntu looked good. When I started it for the first time, I didn't notice anything in Ubuntu.

Except for this one time I couldn't boot into Ubuntu. So the simplest solution should be to reinstall Ubuntu. But that was not possible. After a while, the laptop hung up in the installation process.

If Ubuntu doesn't work, I just wanted to use Windows instead. So I tried in Windows to format the Ubuntu partition and to use the disk completely again as a partition for Windows. It worked so far. Only Ubuntu still appears in the BIOS as a boot option. And this is where the problem actually begins.

I can't get this Ubuntu boot medium away. According to Windows, the partition no longer exists. Reinstalling Windows didn't help. The disk can't be formatted via the BIOS either. The disk is not recognized in another laptop. And the worst:

I'm just finished with my Latin. The hard drive should simply be completely empty so that I can load Windows without having the Ubuntu partition. And all of that should work without installing another hard drive.

It's about an "Intel 660p 512gB" in an Asus Zephyrus G502DU.


Have you ever created a boot stick and tried to delete it during the installation process?


The bootsection is not deleted when formatting.

Can you connect the plate to a working Windows?

Or do you only have an installation medium for Windows (USB stick / DVD)?


I've already tried that. The partition manager does not show the Ubuntu partition at all. And then I can't delete it either.


And the hard drive is 100GB smaller than usual?


It doesn't work with a boot stick either. I have already installed the plate in another laptop. But it simply doesn't recognize the places at all. Not even in the BIOS.


No. The disk is fully usable again, but the Ubuntu partition is still recognized in the BIOS. In Windows Partition Manager, however, the disk is simply occupied by a single large partition. In principle, the memory should somehow have been assigned twice.


No that can't happen, delete the entire volume, format it, then go into the BIOS and reset it.

If necessary, also with a new installation via USB stick


No that can't happen, delete the entire volume, format it, then go into the BIOS and reset it.

if necessary also with a new installation via USB-Sick




I already thought that it could not be used twice. I have already tried it with a new installation. And I can't shake anything in the BIOS. I can delete the Ubuntu partition there, but it just keeps appearing by itself. Shut it down and up again and the partition is back. Very frustrating.

That's why I need a program that I can use to format the system hard drive. Or. Do I need Windows on a stick, which I can then use to reset the hard drive?!

The Ubuntu partition simply can't be removed. I can only imagine that the data can be easily destroyed using such a rewrite program. Only I would destroy the system files with it and I would need it to run Windows and the program.


Did you ever reset the BIOS? Possibly via USB…


That will be too high for me at some point. I get on well in Windows 10, but I've never flashed a BIOS. I was hoping to find a solution within Windows.


I think there's no more sensible option, if you reset the BIOS Windows will not be lost.

It's actually quite simple. For me at Save> Load default values> Save. Of course it depends on the board.