How do I properly set the partition on the hard disk?

How do I properly set the partition on the hard disk

So hi first. Let's start from the beginning.

My mother has a laptop that ran really badly and very slowly. Move to desktop data or open. Or opening programs, even opening the windows menu bar, had taken a long time. Now he does not boot anymore.

So what did I do?

Could not format the laptop. Then I have Windows 10 on the stick packed with the program 'Rufus'. Stick in the laptop. In bios attitude I put from UEFI to Legacy, because otherwise I had not the possibility to make the boat over the stick.

I'm clean and under 'Command Prompt' Completely deleted the hard drive with all partitions. And formatted. Have Windows Installed from the stick. Installation was successful and then downloaded Windows Update.

Then I wanted to restart the laptop. And then there was 'No Bootable Device'. Googled again and everything and then went back to bios. And then I switched to UEFI again. Laptop restarted. Black screen. Then I chose F12 right after the start, and selected the HDD. But again only black screen.

Googled again. And then he saw someone in boot order that he had 'Windows Boot Manager' in the first place. For me, the HDD is in the first place. Before the reinstallation with the stick stood at boot sequence also 'Windows Boot Manager' had stood there. But I did not do that after reinstalling.

Oh well. Then googled again why 'Windows Boot Manager' is not visible to me, then have Windows 10 stick plugged in again and thus booted again. And just before the installation is down on the left 'Computer repair option' am there on it gone. Then on troubleshooting then jumpstart and Windows 10 selected. Then the repair started. Did he succeed then? Then Windows 10 has made a few more things. Everything was deleted again. So the programs and data from my mother (which I have packed after the first reinstallation on it).

Have now restarted the laptop. Then I hang again for a few minutes in the 'Windows is getting ready' window. And land on the desktop. And my 2 data that I have packed on the desktop before the reboot on it are gone again. And I'm in the BIOS setting still on LEGACY. And there still is not 'Windows Boot Manager'. And the hard drive has Windows not split on 'recovery' and other partitions. Have only a single large partition with 1TB. When rebuilding Windows, Windows has created the automatic partitions. Under Bios again set to UEFI and restarted. Is 'No Bootable Device'.

Sorry that I write so drucheinander and not always paid attention to the spelling.

How do I properly set the partition on the hard disk - 1 How do I properly set the partition on the hard disk - 2 How do I properly set the partition on the hard disk - 3 How do I properly set the partition on the hard disk - 4

Need to install it again in Uefi mode

That's because you have it installed via USB in legacy mode and then back to EFI

So put on Uefi and boot USB 😁


Oh, okay, thanks. Did imitate a YouTuber, because I could not perform in uefi mode the boot with the stick. Only in legacy mode can I use the stick to boot


My tip: Best continue youtuber "imitate", … Runs!


Check if the ISO is synonymous and which iso so what version you have on it from Windows maybe there's something incompatible

Then rufus the ISO on the usb flashen

And before that look which options are selected

I have not been rufus for some time but there must be something with "target system". Since you have to look the UEFI stands

Then you flash the whole thing and restart the computer

Then you go into the BIOS and change the boot from legacy to EFI

Then change the loading order so that the USB is at the top and if you have started the you delete in the installer all partitions then click on the empty partition on it and click on new

Dannach you click again on exactly the same partition on it you have selected before and press format

Then continue on and let it install

Once you've done everything and the Windows desktop pulls out the usb make first updates and reboot


The process of "getting Windows ready" can take a long time, a few hours, and must not be aborted, but must be completed.

The recovery partition has included the preinstalled Windows and is no longer created when reinstalling.


What else should I do if I do not have any idea. Do I have to go to the internet? It makes no sense that you are logged in with good question if you should not follow the opinion / tips on the Internet.