Laptop keeps restarting?

- in Asus

I restarted my laptop as normal today in the settings, it said download a new update or something and then I woke up, pressed restart "since then it only says," will be restarted "on a green screen. I can move the mouse pointer and these loading characters so this circle rotates too. I've had that for 8 hours or so and nothing works. I can't completely turn off the laptop only when it is empty or when I press briefly. If I press it briefly, it is back on in 1 second, does someone know what I can do?

Laptop keeps restarting

The laptop is an Asus Vivobook


Hold down for about 5-6 seconds and then it will turn off!

Then start again - it will first reset the update and then try again to restart.


If you have the opportunity to boot from CD or stick, change the boot sequence from the BIOS and do a repair of the OS.


How does it go with the boot order and the repair of the OS?


Which key and when do I have to press it?


The power button! No matter when, just press now for 5-6 seconds


Press either F2, F8, F10 or Del while booting.

Then you get to the overview and you then have to navigate to the corresponding "points" using the arrow keys and other keys that are indicated at the bottom.

Basic knowledge of English is required for this. But it's really not difficult.


If it doesn't work, the screen comes back and nothing changes


That can't be then press longer at some point the THING will go out… Or MUST! Just hold down and do nothing else.


Doesn't work, I've tried all the buttons, do I have to press ctrl? Because otherwise the green screen always comes up or goes on and off briefly when I press or hold Power.


He means the power button.

With which you can switch the laptop on and off.

Just press it for a few seconds, then you turn it off "hard".

Incidentally, this also works with any normal computer…

There's also an alternative.

But I don't know if she is so "healthy"…

Unplug the laptop, i.e. Unplug the cable and remove the battery


Ahh worked, thank you really thank you 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Yes, but you should only do that if you know "something"! In addition, when you open it, the guarantee goes flat!


Never mind!