Recommend a good notebook for gambling 300-400 euro?


Can someone recommend a good notebook for gambling 300-400 euro?


The price range is very low. In the PC market you might find it more. Otherwise, you should look around the convenience store.


You needed something, otherwise it will be more of a tetris laptop


For 400 euro you can forget sorry I speak from experience, I have a new one for 800 euro, and even with the backs the new games are only and are hardly playable, sorry if you only want to play games from 2001 with your 400 euro notebook then ok but otherwise you have to spend at least 1200 euro to enjoy it!


Well 300-400 euro is not a lot… You don't have to spend more on good gaming notebooks… In any case, I can advise you against one brand: HP

Becomes very slow after a short time


It only starts from 700 euro. Including B goods.


Or even better, you buy a PC not a notebook, but at current prices we're closer to 600 and that with a Vega 11 so nothing with which to achieve records in FPS.


Unfortunately, that is completely wrong.

Even at the current prices, you can get something better than a PS4 for 550-600


For this you get a small office laptop for e-mails, internet and internet surfing. But never one to gamble - you don't even get that with a PC. If you want to gamble, I recommend a PC and here from 1000 euro upwards - but at the moment a bad idea, because reasonably usable graphics cards sometimes cost more than double the RRP.


Nobody said anything about PS4 here. This is about ready-made PCs that offer everything that is generally needed at a minimum.


It doesn't exist either.

It was a comparison.

A pretty good one even for someone inexperienced with personal computers.

If I name specific components, an ignorant person will not be able to figure it out. A lot more people know a PS4


Rather, I think you're pretty lost, talking weird stuff and want to get on my nerves for some reason.



I just gave you facts that can be understood objectively with logical thinking.

You randomly claim something and assume that it is already correct.

I'm so out to annoy you that I have only given factual facts.


If you say that… ^^ It would help us all more if you advise the questioner with your knowledge instead of babbling to me. I'm satisfied with my computer.


A PC with an internal graphics unit and a sufficiently large power supply unit is currently quite good to buy.

That is enough for the typical games (at least Vega 11) and if it is not enough you can at some point when the prices are hopefully better or you have saved more, buy a good graphics card and have a pretty blatant gaming PC.


That's exactly what I do by excluding false statements.

If you have 3 doors of which 1 are right and 2 are wrong, I would enrich you by taking away a wrong one, even if I don't tell you the right one.

Time regardless of the fact that I have already written an answer and your statement makes absolutely 0 sense.


For which games?

Just name two games as an example that the notebook should be able to handle.


So for minecraft and phasmophobia