Why is it not, bought an interface?


Hello dear music lovers and professionals. I bought an interface. The Presonus Audio ox USB 96. Now I have installed the software. And a micro connected to the interface. The interface is connected to my laptop. I paid attention to everything in the book. Except that I don't have headphones but it should work without it, right? Unfortunately, it doesn't work. Actually, the input L should go up like this when I speak into the micro but there are no bars… Only when I turn the mixer all the way up… But then there are such constant bars that have nothing to do with my voice but are more like noise. Well, does anyone know if it's because I don't have headphones? Or is it because I did something wrong?

Why is it not, bought an interface

The latter.


What kind of mic did you connect and how?


I know. Stupid demand, but instructions 3 and 3.1 followed?
It is specially pointed out that you only make a note of WHEN the AudioBox is to be connected during installation.

All settings made, not just install.


I connected a T. Bone SC-300 at the front to Mic / Inst. So the cable from the Micro fits very well in there at the interface.


Unfortunately, there are no points 3 and 3.1 in my operating instructions. Only step 3 and there's only something about the installation. 🙈I'm desperate.


Oh, I still found an instruction manual. But online. Somehow it wasn't in my order. I'll take a look there.


Was there a cable with the microphone? Is it a jack cable or an XLR cable? With XLR, is the phantom power on at the interface?


XLR, yes


Thanks, now it worked. I still ordered headphones to listen to.