Interfering noises with a new PC with an interface?


I recently built a new PC because my laptop was no longer the fastest. When I plug in my audio interface, my speakers start producing strange noises. The background noises consist of a high-pitched whirring and an irregular crackling.

The volume control has no influence on this noise, even when I play a song, the noise just stays in the background. Everything still works fine on my old laptop.
I use a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 as an interface and have KRK Rokit 6 as a speaker.
Have already tried all the different USB ports on my PC. Made no difference, except for one port. The noise was particularly loud.

I also swapped the cables from the interface to the loudspeaker, and strangely enough, the noise got louder.

Tried another interface but without success, the background noise remained.

If I plug headphones into the output of my interface, there's no noise.

Have already updated Windows and reinstalled drivers for the interface. Didn't bring anything.

What is also noticeable when I move or scroll my mouse, the disturbing noises react to it.

If someone could help me here, I would be very happy.


Perhaps it is because the audio cables are too close to some power supply or something similar.

But I don't know any more about the area.


What about the grounding of the devices, everything connected correctly?


I suspect you have a normal sound system that is not intended to be connected to a PC / laptop.

The noises result from a lack of earthing / interference suppression of the output. PC speakers usually have no problem with this.

If I were you, I would use galvanic isolation.