Row multiple sockets together?


I apologize in advance, as I already asked a similar question yesterday.

The structure of the multiple sockets MSD has now changed.

In socket 1, I want to put MSD A, which would then be under my bed, and in MSD A the MSD B and MSD C stuck.

MSD B and C would respectively serve the right and left sides of my bed. I would load it only small equipment such as mobile phone, iPad, laptop, fan and LEDs.

My question: Loads a higher load on socket 1 through the other multiple sockets? Our house is about 40 years old and has as far as I know never get new power lines.

Thanks in advance for helpful answers from those who have read the question up here.


This is very dangerous, because these power strips and the cables are only intended for certain loads.


You should not "string together" multiple sockets. But since you only operate small consumers (such as chargers, lamps, fans), the distribution is harmless. To make it clear: You should not connect a fan heater to the last connector strip, but you did not have that anyway…


If you feed several consumers via a power outlet, this is obviously more heavily loaded than with just one consumer.

Your consumers should definitely endure them.


Thank you.


Thank you.