Laptop brightness can no longer be adjusted and the battery is permanently at 0%?


My laptop stopped working properly yesterday. I bought a new charging cable yesterday because my old one was broken and since I've been using it, the brightness of my laptop is always set to 100%.

I've had this a couple of times and so far it has always helped to either restart or update the drivers. I felt like I had to restart 100 times now but it didn't work. Installing drivers is also no longer possible, since some things like the graphics card are no longer displayed in the device manager. Setting the brightness under Settings or the Energy Options is also not possible.

In itself it wouldn't be that bad, but in addition to the brightness, my battery charge is always at 0 percent. I have now charged it off for over an hour at a time and it still showed 0%. As soon as I unplugged the charging cable, it shut down in a few seconds.

In addition, I can no longer start games and the ones I can start run so slowly that it is unplayable. Now I can practically only surf the internet. Does anyone know what I can do? As I said, I have had problems like this many times. Sometimes the sound didn't work or the keyboard stopped responding, but after a couple of restarts everything could be used properly. Do you think it has something to do with the charging cable? I myself think it has something to do with the drivers because some are no longer displayed. I would be happy if you could help me.


Maybe the battery is broken, what kind of laptop is it?


I never heard of that. Perma 0%. Either it's your battery or something else. You could try a new charging cable and reinstall Windows if possible.


Immediately to the shop where you bought it… I would not deal with it any further.


The battery strangely works again today. However, the brightness can still not be adjusted. I believe that the battery was really due to the new charging cable. The old one had 20 volts the new 24. I have now set it to 19 for the new one and it has been going again since then. Perhaps the battery was simply overcharged and therefore there was a display error.


Unfortunately not because the shop is closed because of Corona. But the laptop is already 4 years old anyway, so I will hardly be able to bring it back.


The battery is working again today. Unfortunately, nothing else. Unfortunately, I can't tell you exactly what kind of laptop it is. An HP laptop windows 10.


Sorry, I misunderstood. Thought the notebook is new.

You noticed the error with the new power supply and it is now working with the ACCU.

Would install Windows again.


Have you ever looked into the task manager why the PC is so slow? So check CPU etc.


So the old power supply was broken or it had a loose contact. If I reinstall windows, won't all my data be lost?


I don't know much about the task manager. When I go to performance there's utilization, but the percentage display changes permanently. Sometimes about 10 to 30%, sometimes it goes up to 90%. Is that normal? Processes are approximately 200, threads 2500 and handles 87000. Speed 2.50 GHz. When it comes to processes, I have 93 background processes.


Yep Of course, first push the important data onto a USB stick.


Isn't there another way? That would be a lot of work that I don't even know if it will work again.


Well, you should always have a backup of your data anyway… Or don't you?

What if your SSD / HDD is really broken?

Or is your book stolen?


As an alternative… Buy a new SSD and install Windows NEW there. You can then use your old one as a data grave.