Reimbursement of advertising expenses?


I'm a master's student and have made my tax return through Taxfix. Can someone explain to me why, according to the app, only the wage tax is reimbursed and not my advertising costs? Have attached a photo, if you need more information to assess it, feel free to let me know.

I have stated the tuition fees, interest from the KfW loan, a laptop and the travel costs to my jobs as advertising costs.


Advertising costs are never reimbursed 1: 1 anyway.

Advertising costs only reduce the taxable income and this results in a recalculation of the wage tax actually payable on the basis of this lower taxable income.

So if you have 3000 euro in advertising costs, then this may be reflected in a 400 euro reduced wage tax (now just getting into the blue depends on your wages). You also can't get a higher refund than you paid income tax.

To be honest, I don't understand the overview in your app very well either: What do you mean by "sum" here? Is this the new taxable income or how? How much wage tax did you pay in that year?


In other words: the exemption limit is around 9,000 euro anyway. So it is questionable whether he paid taxes at all. And specifying advertising costs is of no use if you are below the exemption limit anyway.


I paid 744 euro in income tax, so my reimbursement is even higher 😅 I don't really check it yet haha


The advertising costs will not be reimbursed to you, you do not have to pay any wage tax on this amount. So you do not get 3,231 euro from the tax office but you do not have to tax this amount. In addition, the wage tax paid by you already takes into account the lump sum for advertising costs in the amount of 1,000 euro and only amounts that exceed this have a tax-reducing effect.


You won't get social security and solos again. So pay close attention to WHAT taxes you have ever paid.


Nothing will be refunded to you. You only get a refund of the tax you paid too much in advance


Looks like the total income.


So if you only made money as an employee, you entered something wrong with the app in the wage tax paid.


Simply because advertising costs are never reimbursed, but only overpaid taxes.

You just don't have to pay taxes on advertising costs. No more than you paid will be reimbursed.


Can someone explain to me why, according to the app, only the wage tax is reimbursed and not my advertising costs?

Because advertising costs are never reimbursed. They only reduce the taxable income and therefore lead to a tax refund.


You won't get social security and solos again.

This is only true in terms of social security contributions.

Solidarity surcharge is a surcharge for wage or income tax and is accordingly also reimbursed if the assessment base changes.