Tax return as a student. Little refundable?


As a student, I paid about 350 euro in taxes this year and filed my tax return in January. When I noticed yesterday that I get about 100 € refunded, I was a bit surprised, as I stated advertising costs so amounted to more than 1000 €. I have indicated the following information in the tax declaration under advertising costs:

Telephone expenses: 150 euro

Account maintenance fee: 120 euro

Book and membership in an online platform for university: about 100 euro

Used laptop for Uni: 260 Euro

Semester fees: 600 euro

Should I specify some of the above-mentioned expenses in other categories when filing tax returns or is the calculation of tax revenue correct?


How much revenue did you have?


An account maintenance fee of 120 euro will certainly not be recognized as a business expense. This is capped at 16 euro. Higher professional costs must be proven, it will be difficult.

In which points of the tax return was deviated, is in the explanatory texts for EStBescheid.

Since nobody here knows the tax assessment and the tax declaration, an answer to the question should be classified in the section "clairvoyance and fortune telling".


About 13,000 gross


But I pay 120 euro per year. Can't it be recognized if I prove it? Also, would there be expenses that I could specify? For example, I have just read about the employee allowance. Could I benefit from that as well?


I have written: Higher, professionally induced account maintenance fees must be proven. How do you want to prove that? The following items are professionally required in your case: transfer of the salary, debiting of the semester fees. Maybe also debits for teaching material. Since you do not come in life on 120 euro!

And what you call "employee pensions" is the lump sum for advertising costs. He is 1.000 euro and is already incorporated in the LSttabelle; is also automatically taken into account in the EST declaration. Only if the advertising costs in the EST declaration amount to more than 1,000 euro, does the excess amount have any tax-reducing effect.

If I look at your advertising costs so, you will not get over the 1,000 euro, the laptop will probably have been deducted a private share of at least 50%, in the telephone costs may also. Read the explanatory texts for a decision, because the deviations are explained.

And do not come now with "that's so much to read, that's too stressful for me."


With your little information that you have made here, I come for a REFUND of 150 euro. With that I think that the FA calculated correctly.

Unfortunately missing from you a lot of information to calculate more accurate.


Alright thanks. I sought this answer. If it's true, then it's true. I do not know the topic. Everywhere on the internet you can read how profitable it is to give tax returns as a student, so I hoped for more.


Did you not include the pension expenses?


Can't it be recognized if I prove it?

Are ALL account movements caused professionally or do you pay for the account also things that belong to the private life?

For example,

maybe Netflix,
Clothes you buy, etc?

If so, how do you get the idea that the costs are 100% deductible?

I also have to book the private trips with my official car as sales…


As I said, there's simply too much information to calculate exactly.


I tried to estimate and get on a subsequent payment. Are too little information to calculate exactly. But I think it will vote for the FA.


Do you mean the KV and RV? I heard that you can't sell the RV. That's why I did not say anything. KV I pay as a student concessions to AOK itself. About company I pay nothing to AOK.


I heard that you can't sell the RV.

Contributions to the ges. Pension insurance was 86% deductible in 2018. The employers' contributions are to be deducted from this.

The employer registers them electronically, so they are taken into account.

What do you think is the investment precaution?

KV I pay as a student concessions to AOK itself.

Already clear. Are nevertheless special expenses according to § 10 EStG and deductible. The cash register notifies the tax office, so they are taken into account


Nice. Thanks for the hint. Is it possible, if I create a new tax return for it?


Well, were the insurance now taken into account by the tax office or not? If not, and the opposition period of one month has not yet expired, then you can of course object and refer to your new tax return.


With a gross annual salary of 13,000.00 euro and tax code, only 77.00 payroll taxes can be incurred.

Please check again the information on the printout of the electronic employment tax statement.


Thank you very much. They were not taken into account because I did not mention them. I have as written only 120 of 400 euro refunded. I have about 1300 euro to health insurance and about 1000+ € RV paid in 2018.


So I do not know how my company came along, but I paid about 400 euro payroll tax. But if I can get it fully refunded after I quote the paid RV + KV in my new tax return, it's no problem for me.