Is Dell a good brand (Apple on Windows)?

- in Dell

I have a question about Dell: I always thought Dell is something like Apple among the Windows laptops? But I came across shared opinions on the Internet. So is Dell good or what else should I buy?


Buy an MSI


Dell is in my opinion a very good brand makes the quality product… Have indeed alienware


Well… You can't compare that with a Dell xps and also with a Mac Book pro. I think the questioner does not mean Alienware but really the XPS series. Otherwise, the comparison with Apple does not make much sense either.


No, DELL is more of a "normal" brand and not a premium brand like Apple.

Of course that does not mean that they are bad.

The quality and performance can usually be fixed anyway not only on the brand, but above all on the price tag. Many manufacturers have everything from cheap laptops to high-end laptops.

I would therefore not in the purchase choice on the brand, but rather on sites such. Leave They perform very extensive tests and you get a fairly honest rating of the product.


What would be compared to Apple?


There's nothing that is remotely comparable. Apple has its own operating system and its own approach to designing the products.


I mean quality and status symbol.


Surface Pro or Book, Dell XPS, from HP, there are also some series (Elite Book), Lenovo Yoga 900