Do you have to be able to draw for communication design, logo design, web design?


Is it a must or is it not so important anyway because you only make sketches for yourself and then implement them on the laptop with Illustrator etc?


Have an education and study in the field and you really don't have to be able to draw. I'm really bad at drawing.

On the other hand, briefly scrambling to give others an idea is an advantage.


Thank you very much!


So don't stop voting. Studying media has nothing to do with art and painting.


I think it is important to be able to draw in order to make your ideas clear to others. But you can learn that, making a quick sketch is not difficult once you have the basic knowledge.


You don't have to be able to draw, but it helps a lot to get a better or more intuitive feeling for shapes and movements. In addition, experienced draftsmen are better at quickly recording ideas in sketches with which one can communicate a desired design. In addition, it is difficult for people who can't draw in certain situations to find the most harmonious form. For example, if you are working on a logo that shows a galloping horse. With people who can't draw, I have often noticed that they can't represent the movement and dynamics of the horse as convincingly as experienced draftsmen. The same is of course not only true for horses.