How should I draw this snake?


I'm currently in the process of sketching the first draft of the badge for our scout camp before I do it on my laptop or tablet. Now I don't know how to draw the snake (Midgard snake) that winds around the longship, because I've never drawn a snake before.

On the picture you can see (you may have to look a little closer to see the fine lines) where the snake should come out of the water and wind around the ship.

Can someone give me a tip on how to best draw the snake? Would be really happy.

Thanks in advance for your tips and answers.


How should I draw this snake

So in any case I would draw it in an extra layer and not on the same sheet, otherwise it would be a shame for the ship, which partly disappears under the snake.

It should be easy to draw in itself. At the ends it is almost elliptical, so what you have to draw would be a semi-ellipse. A bow between the ends.

Based on this, I would draw arcs as auxiliary lines that go back and forth between the lines on the sides, so that a kind of grid is formed.

With these guidelines you can then draw scales.

\\ \
\\ \
\\ \
|| \
\\ \
|| \
\\ |
|| |
~~~ || _____ \ ~~~

And with guidelines:

\\ __ - _ \
\\ __ - _ \
\\ __ - _ \
|| _ - __ \
\\ _----- \
|| _ ---- _ \
\\ _ ---- _ |
|| _ --- _ |
~~~ || _____ \ ~~~


I always find it difficult to describe something like that.
Look at of snakes that have wrapped themselves around branches or the like, or make a modeling clay and draw it.