Is there something like an eCPU (eGPU)?


Short question:

I'm aware that there are some eGPU's on the market. My question is now if I can connect my small portable laptop to something like an eCPU eGPU network and could benefit from the computing power of my already existing PC.


No. USB and Co are way too slow for that.

But you can still use your PC like a computing server. Depending on what you have in mind…


In the server area already in the direction.

There you can have several CPUs on a motherboard, or so several motherboards with their own CPU and on the connected via another board.

But in any case, each CPU needs its own RAM (physically very dense). So you can't plug in a CPU c via USB. Many too high latency, everything works in the nanosecond range.


Yes, but only eGPUs. Mostly connected via Thunderbold or miniPCIe.


Software for well-functioning cluster networks is very expensive because it is developed for the professional server sector and intended for such companies. In addition, it requires appropriate hardware that allows high transmission speeds.

For private use, the whole is relatively difficult, because the enormous performance of a CPU is mainly due to their direct integrity in the bus system of the motherboard. If you now connect two PCs, smartphones or whatever via USB or WLan, the transmission will quickly become a bottleneck.

So I can't imagine that hardware sharing for the CPU in the private sector can be used so effectively. In addition, there are virtually no use cases for it and therefore no one who would develop something like that.

Since the complete outsourcing of hardware prevails rather, in which you only transfer the image and the actual computing load takes over a server.