Own song, your feedback?


So I had already asked at noon today, whether it is ok to embed a song here and ask for feedback. The problem is that there are websites that are designed to allow unknown musicians to get feedback from other musicians - but the activity on these pages has been really low in recent years.

Again, this is not about clicks, so you do not have to spread a thumbs up, do not subscribe - I want to have feedback and I can edit the single tracks and update the song later.

For example, I would like to know how you feel about the sound of the bass drum: Too loud / quiet, too bassy / treble heavy…

I know that the song is not perfect, I recorded and sang everything myself and playing the guitar is by far not one of my greatest talents 😅 I do not have any professional equipment either. Only the instruments, amplifiers and a laptop. Incidentally, Audacity uses it.

An overall impression would be of course also happy.

Thanks in advance.


Did you use an external micro


Hiho, is not my music taste but I have to say… Sounds not so bad:-)


Pretty 80s lastig. But alright!

the song stretches and therefore looks a bit boring… But for the beginning absolutely okay. Keep going!


I wondered if that was a bit too long for the listener who did not write that. That would be such a big intervention now that I would rather take the criticism into the recording of the next song.


For vocals and keyboard yes, all guitars and e-drum go directly into the laptop via cable. Respectively. Guitar amp Laptop


Thank you very much.


Music has to evolve! And I think it's good that you respond to feedback. From experience you learn the best! And experimenting is always good too!
Achso: And if you catch up with opinions, pay attention to constructive criticism! "Is good!" vs. "Is bad!" is not constructive. You can't do anything with that. But if one writes: "at 3 o'clock I would make the hi-hats of the drum section louder!", Then you should listen to the passage again:-)