Own song on Spotify stream, legal?


I do music occasionally and recently released my first song on Spotify.

Since you get money per stream, I got the idea to let my song flow around the clock (e.g. On a laptop).

Although I do not violate the terms and conditions, I still wanted to ask whether this is legal and what you have to consider.


What's the name of your song


I'll tell you for sure.


Brother that's how marketing works but not xD


Spotify recognizes that. So that won't work.

In addition, electricity consumption would exceed revenue. So you make minus


I don't want to market the song; 'D


What exactly does Spotify recognize? And what happens when you recognize it?


In any case, that was done before and at the beginning people got rich because they let several computers with premium accounts stream the song, meanwhile Spotify has built in filters, so

for a laptop it is not worth it, you need a lot more
questionable whether that still works, you definitely have to know something and can't do everything from your Wi-Fi at home
say for sure if it is illegal now, or spotify just quits your account I don't know either


You can see that a song is looping. Technically it's not really difficult. Ip and mac address.

I don't know. The clicks are definitely not counted. You will find any problems in the terms and conditions


Yes, but what exactly does Spotify do when you dedec? Don't you count the streams or just don't pay the streams?


Count as far as i don't know, otherwise the block would probably make no sense