Can you run a Libre Office presentation without a program?


I have to do a presentation for school…

But I don't have PowerPoint on my laptop. So I would do it with Libre Office.

Now to my problem: Can I run this presentation on the school laptop that doesn't have Libre Office?

I have to do that. The school laptops only have PowerPoint and I don't…

How would it work?


Make sure to save the presentation as a PDF then there's no problem


PowerPoint can read the files from LibreOffice or OpenOffice.

Mfg Jannick (L1nd)


But then he can't show it as a presentation. Pdf doesn't solve all problems…


But of course only animations don't work


LibreOffice can save the data in Microsoft Office formats so that you can then also open them with PowerPoint.
Since there are different programs, there can be certain differences in the display, so test this beforehand.

Current Microsoft Office should also be able to open the OpenOffice format, which is also used by LibreOffice.

If you have access to the internet, you could also use
Here you can test what it looks like at home.

You can also export the presentation as a PDF. The file format can even be opened by any reasonably up-to-date web browser.

You can also use and then boot it from a USB stick or something.

So it's best to save your presentation in several file formats so that you can switch to another file if there are problems.


All right.