I have a question, I have installed Discord and I have SSO on my laptop. But now I'm scared that I'll be hacked. Is the? The emails are different from the two ACCs. So from the Discord and from my SSO ACC.
Sry for the misspellings if there are any.
Of course, you can be hacked, but it can always be.
I would recommend different passwords made up of numbers and letters, this makes it harder to crack something.
No, you get the term "hacked" wrong. As long as you don't give your email password to anyone who won't do anything with it, nothing happens.
By the way, nobody takes the time to log into someone else's discord account.
So don't worry, nothing will happen.
Well, there are always database leaks, brood forces etc. But there are much better things than "hacking" into a horse game or a Discord account.
Joa is not wrong, but they get lost via tokens and not via email and password. At least that's the way it is with discord.
It does not work that way.
In order for you to be hacked, you usually need a Trojan horse to be installed on your PC. If you've caught one there, you can read passwords as you type or read out saved passwords from cookies, etc.
But roughly 99% of the cases where users suspect hacking have nothing to do with hacking. These are forgotten passwords, confusion of password-ACC combination, "buddies" on whose PCs you entered your passwords or younger siblings who take revenge on you for imaginary or real insults.