How should I connect ps3 controller to laptop?


So, I logically play on my laptop and since I still have an old ps3 controller down in the basement, etc. Since I find the explanation much too complicated, I wanted to ask whether someone knows other ways or does not explain it so complicated. Would be really nice; -;


So I could easily connect the PS four controller to the PC, for that I only had to download a program, the disadvantage was that I first had to connect permanently with a cable, with the USB cable.

How exactly does it fail? If you just put PS3 to Computer you will find a lot of different instructions that don't look particularly difficult. How exactly does it fail? What is wrong?


Don't really understand how they explain it


In the end it is always the same. You download a program for your operating system and then connect the controller to the computer.

Usually you start the program, connect the controller to the computer via a charging cable and USB, then the controller will be recognized by the computer and you can usually already use it.

I'm currently only on the move on my mobile phone and won't be able to really look up Google again until tomorrow.

Here, for example, it is explained in German, even with a video. Take a look at this and see if you can handle it:


Just connect it with a USB cable and install the driver. Windows does not provide a standby, so you have to download an extra Peogram. There are enough detailed instructions on the net.