How can I use my keyboard with MIDI?


I have bought a MIDI cable (DIN-pin 5 pin cable to 3.5mm jack) and connected it to my keyboard and laptop. My laptop has only a headphone jack (Should be both, so audio and microphone). I just wanted to ask how I can use it now, so if there's any software (for recording played tracks, etc.) and how does it work, if the software detects the MIDI keyboard automatically OR otherwise?


A suitable interface would not be bad. MIDI sends control signals, not 'audio'. The headphone jack of your laptop will probably not be the right port for that.


Does the keyboard have any USB? Otherwise an audio interface. You can record it with programs like Cubse or Logic. There you can do something more then


OK, I will try.


Ok, thanks, you helped me!


If I would buy a MIDI on USB, it would probably be. Work better?


The cable was unfortunately a bad buy. Either your keyboard has USB, then you can connect it directly to the PC or you need a MIDI interface. That gives so alone. But it would be advisable to buy an audio interface that includes a MIDI interface. Then you can connect your keyboard via MIDI and play any instruments that you have on the PC right away via audio with little time delay.

You can then record the played MIDI "notes" data with a DAW (Digtal Audio Workstation) or / and sequencer. This then converts these "notes" into audible audio. In a piano or accordion or drums etc. Depending on what you have then instruments on the PC.


Yes, there are such small USB / MIDI interfaces that look like a cable.


OK Thank you very much!