Silent System Piano - Midi Recording?


Have a Yamaha U1 with a Silent System, also from Yamaha. It is called Yamaha Silent VQ46140 and has two Midi ports. A midi in and a midi out. When I connect it to the laptop with my midi on a USB cable, go into the software and play the sounds, but some are held for an infinitely long time. That makes recording impossible! The cable can't lie, was checked by a friend. On the software not synonymous, have tested several softwares on several laptops.

Unfortunately have no more advice? What can I do? What is it? Do I still need an interface between the piano and the laptop, ie a midi interface?

Ask for an advice!


I only have a cheap solution with a Y cable as Prodipe Midi in-out to USB

When using Cubase, there are input and output settings for the sound driver.

Then there are VST instruments. Silent then probably internal sounds from the digital module.

Set midi channels. Drum track on channel 10. Reception on channel 1. Midi Channel depending on instrument such as piano, strings, etc

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