A good PC for Blender?

- in Gaming

I currently have the problem that my PC does not meet the requirements of Blender. That's why I'm thinking of building a desktop PC (currently have a laptop) myself. But now I ask myself: what makes a good pc for very good and fluent work in Blender as well as for very good animation and a bit of gaming? How much does it cost and what should you pay attention to?


Here are my experiences:

Processor more cores than few, possibly slightly faster cores

Graphics card Nvidia instead of AMD, as much better support and some features are incompatible with AMD. I also prefer GPUs with 3 fans instead of 2, as the temperatures there are usually a bit better.

RAM at least 16GB, if you like to use larger scenes with simulations or particle systems. Wouldn't use the cheapest RAM of all but one with a very high clock frequency (3200 or so)

I would pack Blender on an SSD, but you can save all the assets, textures and files on an HDD.

If you do a lot of rendering, you would rather invest a few more euro in a good cooler for your CPU. Otherwise it gets very warm quickly

PSU at least certified bronze, if that burns out that's stupid.


How much does a PC cost with which everything works smoothly?


Would say with a 600 euro pc you can get it all going well! The only question is how the viewport performance should be and how fast the rendering should go


I also see the same as @ RandomUser04 with a 600 euro PC everything works, but I have to make a few compromises. You can of course also spend more, that's all a luxury then. In that case, you need to know how much that is worth to you

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