Suitable PC for school supplies?

- in Gaming

I would need a PC for the school because I have limited access to my sister's. I wanted to ask how much such a PC costs and whether used are suitable or not. So I need the PC only for school supplies (Internet research, PowerPoint, etc.) and vlt to Netflix to look, so now no such high-quality and expensive gaming pc must be… With what price is there so to be expected, and what brand do you recommend? Or would a laptop be more suitable?


I have a laptop from Acer (Aspire E5 575 series) and it meets the requirements you mentioned well. Is cheaper than a PC and you can also take it with you.


Acer Aspire is great, use one too.



An Office PC is perfect for your requirements. They start with 500 euro as new goods.

Whether it's a PC or a laptop, it depends on whether you want to be mobile or not. I would basically advise against HP.


I've just lost Libre Office, which is why I'm a bit angry, but in general you're right.


Do you want to have one assembled or assemble one yourself?

Assemble on your own:

if you overclock the graphics you can even gamble a little midgrange with 30fps

there are Youtube videos too