Looking for a good gaming laptop between 700-900 euro?

- in Gaming

My friend wants to get a gaming laptop and I help him a little and so I wanted to ask if you can recommend a gaming laptop between 700-900 euro

The laptop should have at least a 15 inch monitor and an RGB keyboard


I'm happy to help you there!

I personally find myself in the same situation only that I want the laptop myself and already know what I want. I can definitely recommend the Acer Nitro series. There are different ones. For example, there's one for 1500 euro and the cheapest is for 600 euro. There's also one for 750 euro. In terms of design, they all have no difference. They are all black and red and look like real gaming laptops XD! The for 600 euro has 8GB of RAM which is enough and a fast SSD hard drive with 512 or 1TB. I don't remember that anymore. I'm sorry. It has a good graphics card and you can surf with it without any problems! Games like Fortnite or VR games and so I would leave first. Fortnite can be tested, but you can also try it out slowly and don't play XD for 5 hours straight! The battery life is 5h30min which is low but still sufficient. You can get the rest of the data and stuff on request! I would also have a few other gaming laptops. The best thing to do is write to me. But I give you two more tips: First: Buy only from reliable sites like MediaMarkt, Saturn, Conrad, notebooksbilliger.de and such a thing!

Second: It is important to always look at several laptops for comparison! Maybe it happens to be the same somewhere else for 50 euro less… So contact me best (you can also tell me your Discord name if you have Discord.) I have many other laptops and tips and much more! I'm, so to speak, your Wikipedia of laptops and I really know micb there!


Here again the link to the cheaper ones:



Thanks for the detailed help, I take a look around for the Acer Nitro and ask you questions later!


Take my FA to XD and I can write you the things in private chat. Or do you have Discord?