(Gaming) Notebook - Color-illuminated keyboard up to 1000 euro?

- in Gaming

Next, I'm looking for my little brother his first laptop. Requirements are 15.6 "display, SSD, Full HD and he would like the keyboard to glow in any color, preferably RGB, but that's hard on the budget, I think.

The "problem" is simply that he does not have any great demands on games, these are simple games that would run on any PC / Laptop. He wants, of course, that the laptop does not look "boring", but already like a "real" gaming laptop. If it did not matter to him, I would have just bought him a NEN 500 euro laptop and is good. Well, I'm just wondering what the cheapest notebooks are, there are under 1000 euro, but they have just these bright keyboards? As I said, it does not have crass graphics card, etc. Own.

Can you recommend something or help?


If you know how to install windows, this would be quite fitting: https://geizhals.de/...at&hloc=de

With Windows but 50 euro more expensive would be here: https://geizhals.de/...at&hloc=de

Or if your brother does not like the laptop, this one: https://geizhals.de/...at&hloc=de
(But has little memory)

RGB keyboards are a very expensive gimmick. Would not he be satisfied with a normal laptop with a RGB USB keyboard?


I already offered, but my parents and he… I mean, is not my money, if they want to spend more for such a gimmick I can't help. He also meant it does not have to be RGB, but should be lit in a different color than white.


If the purchase can wait, there should be the laptop at the end of January and it is quite solid for the price. Keyboard is lit red and can probably only switch on and off. https://geizhals.de/...at&hloc=de

If it should now be available immediately, then this is fine: https://geizhals.de/...at&hloc=de

Both come but without operating system, you would have to install yourself. Keys are available for under 10 euro for Windows 10 Pro anywhere on the internet. If you're tech-savvy enough, you can install Windows and the manufacturer-recommended drivers and get away cheaper.

Or choose something suitable for Windows yourself: https://geizhals.de/...beleuchtet


The first laptop available at the end of January is actually what I was looking for. Not too much, not too little, simple and not too expensive. I'll just ask him tomorrow. I'll take him to the Saturn and Media Markt tomorrow, maybe they have the models and he can watch them on site. Many Thanks!

Another consideration - I get quite good discount in Saturn on-site with us, but I suspect that I certainly do not find anything good until 1000 euro. But then I could probably go a few hundred euro higher. I just have to look locally.


If it should be a white keyboard illumination, you could also take a look at thehttps://www.saturn.de/de/product/_medion-erazer%C2%AE-p7651-md61103-2509180.html#technische-daten. I hope you are so technically minded and can do something with the Specs.

If you get a good discount on Saturn, you can take that and throw in another SSD.


Was today in Saturn and have directly bought the Acer Nitro 5 gaming notebook, with 512GB SSD and Windows for 999 euro, thanks to the discount was again a bit cheaper and a 4-year warranty is in addition.

It was great that it has the SSD, other notebooks often had always HDD + SSD combo, where he does not need the space of the HDD.

My brother is happy. He probably needs that next week for the school, so I did not want to wait any longer and compare, etc. Is a personal shortcoming of mine, I compare rum, look for the best offer and in the end a year has passed and I have still not bought anything. Glad he finally got something, haha