Will I be able to play more smoothly with an M.2 gaming SSD?

- in Gaming

I ordered an M.2 gaming SSD for my little laptop, which really works flawlessly to work, because I wanted to play a more demanding game and noticed that it doesn't run smoothly at all and just stutters

Now the question:

Will I get this small M.2 SSD that I use

Will I be able to play more smoothly with an M.2 gaming SSD

n the existing slot will be able to play more smoothly and smoothly?

It doesn't have to be perfect, but it should be bearable.


No… The SSD has no influence on the game performance… Only the loading times are reduced…

RAM speed, processor and graphics card are relevant here:-)


The game then runs just as better or worse than if I were to build a sports steering wheel into my car… This means that my box doesn't turn into Schumi's racing roll. The manufacturer can only set the price higher.


No. The game will load significantly faster, but there will be no improvement when playing directly.


Hardly believe that it is due to the SSD, or hard drive in general.

What kind of laptop is it, what hardware is in it, i.e. Processor, graphics card, RAM?

Which game should it be?

Perhaps the game's system requirements are just too big for the laptop.


SSD makes loading time faster

1. GPU 2. CPU is responsible for smooth running