Xbox vs Ps5 vs laptop?

- in Gaming

I've wanted to get a console for a long time. My favorite is the Ps5 because I've played ps4 with friends many times and I grew up as a PlayStation fanboy.

In six months I will also need a laptop for school. Since I didn't have a gaming PC or console, I wanted to ask what your tip would be for my situations.

I mainly want to play FIFA because I'm a huge soccer fan. Otherwise I want to be able to play hyped games with my friends too. Like Fortnite a year ago or Rocket League today. However, I'm concerned that Microsoft will soon be bringing out a game with their purchased studios that everyone will play, but that will not appear on the Ps5.

Can I only play these few games with a normal laptop (I need one for school anyway), which costs around 1000 euro. Only gaming PC or gaming laptop would not be ideal because I like to play with my friends on the couch and I don't really like the Xbox (as I said, I'm a Play Station fanboy). I would prefer the Ps5 if I could play the 'games everyone is playing' and play FIFA on the Ps5. I'm not a real gamer myself, I just want to play sometimes. 60

So should I buy a Ps5, or should I buy the Xbox because of 'games everyone plays'

I don't like the option of buying a gaming laptop without a console and I just love the way PlayStation works.

Please get an answer quickly from people who know their way around! A comment like 'PC is better' or 'Xbox is better' doesn't help me.


Gaming laptops are not the yellow of the egg anyway so leave it.

I would get a PS5 because I don't think Microsoft is going to throw a banger this year and since almost every Fifa on PS plays with a PS5, I don't think you can do much wrong in your case.


I wouldn't recommend a laptop to you as a laptop with good performance is completely overpriced.

I would simply recommend the Xbox Series X to you, as it is technically better than the PS5 and also much cheaper.


Unfortunately, you will not be able to play everything with one of the three things alone.

You need a console and a PC.

That's why I would buy a Playstation 5, which makes more sense as a console than an XBox, because the Playstation gets a lot of exclusive titles.

And then a very good laptop, because otherwise it won't be able to play games. So I think 1000 euro is a very good price.

But be aware that these aren't going to be blatant PC games that you can play.


Thank you your answer has helped me a lot.


Clearly PS5! And because of Microsoft exclusivity, I would not worry at first, if then it would be time-exclusive and then you get it a little later on the Playstation. Having a mid-range PC is also not bad, because you can also use it for other applications. PC is generally needed if you have shot the system software of your console in order to set it up again… Lg


How can you shoot system software what is it? Is the troubleshooting possible with the laptop?


In terms of technology, the Xbox is better but if you mainly want to play FIFA and mainstream games with your friends, the Ps5 is probably the better choice for you, otherwise you won't be able to play smartly with them. Also, there are often the biggest hype games there mostly on both platforms


I only recently had it on my PS4. Started and then it just hung before the home menu was fully loaded. It only helped to disconnect the power and then reinstall the system software because nothing worked after the restart. If you don't have a quick PC, you're stupid. This can also happen due to incorrect updates, so I recommend regularly backing up savegames in the cloud or on a stick. Consoles are not flawless either.


To fix the problem you had to create a USB stick with the latest system software, that is only possible with a computer…