Laptop damaged in lessons - 600 euro damage?


My laptop I use in school has broken in the classroom. I suspect that somebody beat him in the break and so on. Everything was ok before the break but part of the screen was damaged after the break. What can I do to avoid the 600 euro as a student einwenig. My parents either insured or paid for themselves.


So, he broke down…

It will be possible to find out who was still in the classroom during the break (break supervision, teachers etc…).


You can try to locate the cause. Since you will hardly succeed, you will have to pay it out of pocket if you have no electronic insurance for the part.


Mh, it's an eternal misfortune to use your private valuables at school, when the environment does not seem ripe enough to handle the valuables of others as it should. I'm assuming that you're not likely to find out who's responsible, unless someone is so honest.

The personal liability may pay the time value, but there you must first check the conditions, because, for example, the question of why you had your private laptop in the school with how he was stored (problem: if he without a bag on the Floor had been located for example)


Thank you for your answer it was of course closed on the table as it would be otherwise because we only had a 5 minute break