PC 600 Euro graphic work?

- in Acer

I study game design and develop games with Unity and of course I play something myself every now and then. I wanted to ask if you can recommend a 600 PC on which I can work graphically.

So far I had this 4 year old 600 euro laptop https://m.notebooksbilliger.de/acer+aspire+e15+e5+575g+56wg+274308

on which I could play everything that interested me so far, Final Fantasy 13, WOW, Kingdom of Amalur, ChildOfLight etc. And I also used programs like Unity, Blender, Photoshop and InDesign on it, everything went very well. But now it has become really slow and will probably only last a year, the programs run until they open, but it takes decades😅

I thought to myself if a 600 laptop would satisfy me, a 600 PC would seem like heaven, because they should be much better for the same price.

So do you know a good PC for 600 euro that is enough for my needs?


What exactly is the question now? A 600 euro PC is significantly better than a 600 euro laptop. I'd rather assemble the PC myself!


Well, if you can recommend one


So a PC for 600 that meets my requirements.




I would prefer a ready-made PC, building it up is not my strength, let alone the right choice of components.


In my opinion, 16GB RAM would be too little for its design requirements… Adobe in particular likes to allow itself more RAM… The rest should be enough


You may be right about that, but he currently works with i5-7200U 8GB and 16GB is a real hammer… RAM can still be retrofitted and if he wants to spend up to 600 euro he still has land at 540 euro.


I can just agree with you.


Ohh thanks, that was very detailed ausführ, I'll take a look at everything, that would of course be great if my laptop is running at full speed again😁


Thanks for your tips, it looks very good, especially that it should be many times faster schneller


Well, that's not so surprising…

Your 2 core CPU with 4 threads doesn't really have anything to report against a 6 core CPU with 12 threads. In addition, there's the considerably higher IPC performance with a considerably higher clock rate.

The situation is joined by 16GB RAM and an RX570 8GB GPU that is very strong in relation to the 940mx.

So it is to be expected and not surprising that there's a more than significant difference in performance.