HP Laptop MEGA Slow?

- in HP

My hp laptop is mega slow it takes 10 minutes to start up and crashes when i open a normal picture. The laptop is almost 2 years old. My 12 year old laptop is faster. Maybe you can help me?


Take it to a specialist and have it repaired. (Install SSD)
Don't buy "new" laptops for less than 700 euro


Your startup folder is probably trashed. If there's still a classic HDD in the laptop, replacing it with an SSD can also improve the situation.


OK thanks.


Reboot it or do a Win10 restore.

When restoring, I would prefer the "Cloud download" option (from Win10 version 2004) to "Local installation".
The current Win10 version will be downloaded and installed. - A stable internet connection is a prerequisite!
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