Bad bad grade because of outdated computer technology in school?

- in HP

I should make a powerpoint presentation for music at school

I have done this on my HP laptop with Windows 10 and PowerPoint 2019 Pro Plus and pulled on a USB stick

At school, I wanted to show the presentation, however, this did not work because at school the computers with Windows 2000 and PowerPoint 2000

That's why I got a 6 from my music teacher

My question: may my teacher give me a bad grade and why are the computers in the school so poorly equipped recently the school in each room has an Apple TV and a projector mounted why the desktop PCs in the rooms left outdated


You should just check if everything is running and if necessary create alternative options. I think you had enough time for the presentation and also to test it at school in advance.

As alternative options you would have e.g. You can take your laptop with you to run the presentation on it or because the PCs probably have Internet access to run the presentation via Google Slides.
Exporting the presentation as a PDF file would also have been an option. This is where animations and so awake fall, but every popular web browser should be able to open a PDF file. Or you can save the presentation in an older PowerPoint format, so that even older versions can open it.


Surely you knew what kind of old crutches exist in school, right? In that case I would have taken the laptop and everything should work.

If we used to have to do something for the school (EDP), I always had to create a floppy disk for my neighbor because my computer no longer had a floppy disk drive, but the school raffles did not have a CD.


On the other hand, I would then appeal to the Rector. Take your laptop and the USB flash drive to school and present your presentation to the principal in the presence of the teacher.

Based on the timestamp of the files on the USB stick, you can prove that you had the presentation ready and functional at the required time of the homework inquiry.


May my teacher give me a bad grade for it

Yes, if you could not hold your presentation and show nothing, that is justified. But you can ask nicely for a replacement date

In itself, however, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure that everything works.

e.g. The presentation not only in pptx, but e.g. Also save in ppt or pdf OR download a Powerpoint Viewer, which is portable and can play pptx. Or bring your own laptop…

and why are the computers so poorly equipped at school?

because the school does not provide funds indefinitely and usually nobody takes care of the systems full-time


Based on the timestamp of the files on the USB stick, you can prove that you had the presentation ready and functional at the required time of the homework inquiry.

The time stamp easily manipulated resp. Can be changed without much effort. For this you do not have to be the brightest candle on a cake and you can even trust the DAU.


For this, every popular web browser should be able to open a PDF file

Any popular web browser? Which popular browser do you want to install on Windows 2000?


Otherwise, there were already at the time of Windows 2000 programs to open PDF files. The format was developed in 1993.


Unlimited funds is somehow different for me than 20-year-old hardware and software. Even if one says that Windows is much too expensive, than that one could have something rudimentary current (Windows 7 at least) there would still be Linux, FreeBSD and other free operating systems.

Only the hardware remains. You could probably renew it every 10 years. I can't really imagine that a school has so little money that you can't get it done.


If something is installed and you know that the computers are so eternally old that would be via a compatibility mode vmtl. Possible.

Is just a "if" again.


Well, the school probably sees the priority rather in the Apple TVs with video projector


What I find completely ridiculous. A cheap AM4 computer without power supply, housing and hard drives you get as a private user at Mindfactory already for ~ 110 euro. For the maintenance should be comparatively easier and the power consumption lower.


You do not have to tell me that.