Can I play Planet Coaster with this laptop?

- in HP

I would like to buy a laptop to play Planet Coaster.

I chose the HP 250 G7 with Intel i7 and Intel UHD graphics card. It costs about 700 euro. Is that enough?


Under 1000 you will not get a laptop to play with.


What's that statement?


Ok, you're right.


I bought a Lapotp for 450 euro with my girlfriend, with GTX 950M and I myself had an Acer Aspire for 800 euro, with which I was able to play LoL, CSGO and many other things with liquid 60 FPS for 6 years.
If you know 144hz, 60hz is of course garbage, but in any case feasible for entry into gaming, because no laptop needs about 1000 euro.


Rather less.

Because your laptop has only one integrated graphics card that is far from as powerful as a dedicated one. It will run, but whether it is smooth is another topic.


Thanks a lot!


Planet Coaster requires a lot of CPU power when you have a few guests and attractions, and can also bring the strongest GPUs to their knees when you have lots of small-scale objects in the park.