Where are Medion laptops made? And where does the accessory come from?


Where are laptops sold by Medion and labeled "Medion"?

And where do the power supplies for the laptops usually come from?

What kind of PSU was included by default? (if you have a Medion device)

I have a power supply, where "Ktec" is on it. Very adventurous: It was probably made in Cambodia. But "Ktec" is from China, labeled "P.R.China".


Medion is a global corporation. As with almost all other manufacturers, the individual parts are also supplied from various parts of the world and then assembled at MEDION in various parts of the world.


Over 90% of all electronic devices are manufactured in Asia.

This ranges from simple small boards such as e.g. In a radio clock up to large industrial machines and control units.


How much% "made in Germany" is in an ordinary laptop from Medion in the price range 200 to 400 euro? Something like… (The device in question is about 1 to 2 years old)


It is probably more "designed in Germany". I can't answer the rest.


If I'm not mistaken, Medion works mostly with MSI to assemble its system platforms.

In turn, MSI itself commissions third parties to design and manufacture the cases, motherboards and displays, or to buy certain components such as the LCD, the chipsets, CPUs, memory chips, graphics chips and electronic auxiliary components globally from a few specialist manufacturers.

Most microchips and electronic components, as well as displays and circuit boards, are custom-made in the metropolitan area of Southeast Asian technology sites with manufacturing facilities located there.

Even highly complex microchips from AMD, Nividia, Intel and Co. Are no longer produced in the USA. At most there's still the highly-paid management, research and development departments.

The actual production takes place where it is economically the most favorable for the finished product. (Taxes, energy costs, wages, transfers, environmental regulations and much more)

My used HP - Probook (about 2014/2015) is e.g. "Made in China".

Sowas used to be "Made in Taiwan" (o.Ä.)

Take a look at the nameplate of your Medion device. I would not be surprised if that was already "Made in China" (or around it).


Rather nosy.


Not even that. "Commissioned from Germany" I would rather type here.